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doodle diary - fourth week June

昨日は初めてのフェス行ってきました、会場入りする前にちえちゃんと近くの公園で強風の中弁当をいただき、お互いに特に夢中のアーティストがFlorence+The Machine以外いなかったので冷静に過ごしたけど、どろどろだったので歩くのが大変だったせいか帰って早く寝たのに今日の夜まで疲れが取れず・・・いつかフェスでもBlood Red Shoes見たいなぁ。

from 18 to 24 June!
Yesterday I went to Hackney Weekend that was my first music festival! Before that, my friend Chie and I had a lunch at the nearest park with strong wind. There was only Florence+The Machine which is our favourite, we spent very calm but there was so muddy and hard to walk. That's why I'm still tired but I slept a lot last night! I hope I could see Blood Red Shoes at music festival someday...

この週はたくさんのお友達が展示に見に来てくれました。髪を一年分(自分で)切って、友達のにい(西村夕貴ちゃん)が帰国したり、先週会った犬Luluとその飼い主が展示に来てくれたり、フランス人の友達のMarieになんとThe Haberdasheryで会えたり、学生の卒展、YAOMART・・・色々ありました。

A lot of my friends visited to my show, firstly I got hair cut (by myself), then my friend Yuki Nishimura got back to Japan, a lovely dog Lulu (I met her last Sunday) came to my show with her owners, I could surprisingly see my french friend Marie at The Haberdashery, and went to the final degree show, and YAOMART... lots of things were happened.


Next YAOMART is on Saturday 21 July which would be the FINAL market stall in London.
I updated the website in a short time ago, I'll have to email to artists in Japan for future YAOMART!
Also I'd like to renew the website little by little.