わーい、ついに解禁。イギリスのSupermarket Sarahに私のウォール「Nanae Kawahara SHOP」オープンしました。
Yay! Nanae Kawahara SHOP is now opened on Supermarket Sarah!
Nanae Kawahara SHOP on Supermarket Sarah is here!
Thanks a lot for my friend Aki (she was some year in BA) who took all photos, and Space Nana (a gallery in Azami-no, Yokohama) to provide a space. It's available to buy almost items from my works - including DOOOOOGS !! exhibition, newest badges, handmade brooches... One of my friends and I had another idea to have a wall for a long time ago, couldn't complete it. But this time, Sarah might see my photo from Tokyu Hands Gallery Market one then I was suggested for this time. Many many thanks, Gemma & Sarah R & Sarah B !!!
Supermarket Sarah
My wall: http://www.supermarketsarah.com/wall.php?wall=108