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Papero - collaboration work

ロンドンを拠点に様々な分野で活動しているデザイナーやアーティストをオーガナイズするEpha3より、韓国のクラフトペーパーで模型を作る作品を提供するPaperoとコラボレーションさせて頂きました。7日から11日までフランス・パリにて行われるMaison et Objetにて作品が公開されます。

I worked with Korean craft paper model company Papero from London-based PR agency Epha3,
shown at Maison et Objet from 7th to 11th September.


My works are two: Biplane - I drew bees, and Buggy car - dogs.
We can see more works by more artists at Epha3 website.

Epha3: http://www.epha3.co.uk/
Maison et Objet: http://www.maison-objet.com/


Last Thursday I was in Tokyo but went back quickly for cleaning up with my mom in my house as Nana had diarrhea. She was sick by cooling of air conditioner was a bit strong for her. At the moment, she is sitting next to me as being scared by storm!

日本にいるけど、イギリス人の新しい友達が一人増えました。Bunny Bissoux!
先月のAlternative Press FestivalでLizz Lunneyと知り合い、彼女の友達が日本に滞在してる&只今個展中(現在は終了)とのことで遊びに行ってきました。Liquid Roomの中にあるKATAギャラリーで隣にカフェがあるんだけど、カフェでずっと話してたね、きっと3時間強はいたかも。作品が日記で全部シュールで面白かった、次に会えるのはTokyo Art Book Fairでかな?

I made a British friend Bunny Bissoux in Tokyo! At Alternative Press Festival, I met Lizz Lunney and she introduced me Bunny who was having an exhibition in Tokyo. There's a cafe next to the gallery (called KATA gallery is the inside of a live house Liquid Room), we're there for 3hours! I really enjoyed to see her works which are diary style and very very funny. Maybe we'll see at Tokyo Art Book Fair for the next. See you there, Bunny!!

Bunny's website: http://www.bunnybissouxart.com/