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reviews for my show

私の展示(まだ開催中です、日曜までとなっていますがカフェの都合で数日延びます)を紹介&ブログして頂きました、まずはいつもお世話になってますAmelia's Magazinehttp://www.ameliasmagazine.com/listings/e726/dooooogs--by-nanae-kawahara)。今日も先週行われた犬のイベントThe Canine Gamesのイラストを描かせていただきました。

My exhibition is still ongoing and not until Sunday, would be finished in mid-next week. Amelia's Magazine introduced my show (http://www.ameliasmagazine.com/listings/e726/dooooogs--by-nanae-kawahara), that's my gratitude! Also I did one illustration about The Canine Games last Saturday, you can check mine here: http://www.ameliasmagazine.com/art/the-canine-games-2012-illustrated/


This is my illustrator friend Karin's blog, she just went back to her home country Sweden. I illustrated in my doodle diary about she made a time in her busy days in London for visiting to my show. She picked it up and reviewed on her blog. She is a very talented illustrator and she'll be a Stockholm-based illustrator like me (I'll be a Tokyo-based illustrator from next month), we talked our activities in our future with having tea. Many thanks, Karin!

Karin Soderquist webisite: http://www.karinsoderquist.com/


This is icing Nana biscuit! Chie brought it at my Private View. This is my first time to get, I'm happy for that. Thanks so much, Chie. My exhibition DOOOOOGS !! is still ongoing, please come down and enjoy my doggies' illustration :)