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▶︎ NEXT EVENT・これからの予定


have a look my work on East London Mornings!

I'm going to Bologna and Paris from Monday (tomorrow) to Saturday.

写真は全く関係なくないんだけど、カフェの絵を描きました、そして早速そちらのサイトさまにアップされています。そのサイトとはーEast London Mornings:東ロンドンの素敵なカフェたちをみんなで楽しくシェアする楽しいプロジェクトです。私自身カフェ行くの大好きで、特にお洒落なとこ行くとスケッチングもすさささ〜なんですよね。うふふ、今私おしゃれ、みたいな。とか言ってそんな柄の人間ではないですよ。すでにTumblrにもアップしましたが、East London Morningsのサイトではこちらでご覧になれます。

I join a project and it's available to check my work at East London Mornings - this is to share nice cafes in East London, these works are made by lots of artists in the UK. I'm pleased to work with this lovely project and also I really like staying at cafes with my sketchbook. Example, I feel...I'm trendy...oh yes...   :( I'm not these kind of person. Anyway I put my work on my Tumblr already, you can see the website of East London Morning here:


Thank you very much, Katya.
This photo was supposed to use for my profile at this project. However I submitted another one that is with black Nana, it's going to be shown soon.

See you after I come back from the trip!