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高松次郎とHoriとCheshire Catと確定申告

東京都近代美術館で開催された 高松次郎ミステリーズ へ行きました。

Photos were taken at Jiro Takamatsu: Mysteries Exhibition at The National Museum of Modern Art Tokyo. I went there with my illustrator friend Kyoto Ogura with invitation tickets. I didn't know him and also thought he was an argumentativeness, but his theory for the works were very interesting me!


I took cool pictures :P
This selfie can be my artist photo!

ところ変わって、communeで行われて台湾からきたイラストレーター紅林(Hori)の個展「YOU ARE DIAMOND」へ行き、そこでHoriの友人でありシンガーソングライターの紫群猫(Cheshire Cat)のライブを堪能しました◎いや〜この日はもう満足。

Then I enjoyed 'YOU ARE DIAMOND' by Taiwanese illustrator Hori and live performance by her singer song writer friend Cheshire Cat at commune. It was a fantastic day!


And this week, I finally submitted income a tax return. I now work for the next.
I love this photo, took this on my way from the tax office.