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The book of details


今回は私の本「やっぱりたのしい」の中身を少しお見せします。また、THE TOKYO ART BOOK FAIR

Drawing Adjective group show was ended on Sunday, I appreciate to all visitors and hope to see someone again I couldn't meet. I joined Gallery talk to explain the concept of my works, I'm not good at talking but enjoy it with some advises. I'm showing the inside of my book here, and bring it to THE TOKYO ART BOOK FAIR on 21 & 21 (I applied only two days).

寺子屋マルプ「形容詞を描く 1」キャプションより

「やっぱりたのしい」 河原 奈苗


Caption of my work: My book's theme is 'Fun' that I think sometimes takes negative points. I love fun but I decide a limited time after I enjoyed too much. However if I spend to be quite for a long time, it has no inspiration or won't happen any new stage, and it would get boring too. Therefore, I'll want fun again to next something... Although Fun is positive word, I think it shows different aspects by my own vision with looking for negative. I really appreciate to Malpu Design, gallery DAZZLE had this special event.