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one week holiday in London part2


It continues from the last one. Third day in London was my friends Mae and Alec's wedding. Mae was my teacher at the language school in London, we're very good friends since 2009! I'm really pleased to  design for their invitation cards. I quite like it having fun and fancy.

Route master took us to the next place after the ceremony.


My Japanese friend Yuriko who was same class during the language school in 2009 and still lives in London. She designed Mae's dress with gold as main colour. Beautiful, isn't it?

It was dance all through the night after the meal (it was finished at 1am actually) !

友達何人かとLONDON ART BOOK FAIRヘ、初めてのフェアと初めてのWhite Chapel Gallery。三年半もいたのに!東京のとはまた雰囲気が違う。ちょっとお固く見えたかも。Sara Wicksさんのミニ作品(狼)をゲット。その後友達に誘われてBroadway Market School Yardへ。イラストレーターのKatrina Wightさんから素敵なカードを頂きました。毎週土曜日にマーケットを出しているようで犬をメインにしたとても繊細でポップなアイテムを販売してます。犬繋がりということで友達が私に紹介してくれました◎

I looked around London other days, firstly I went to LONDON ART BOOK FAIR with my friends. It was my first visiting to White Chapel Gallery, I know I was living in London for 3 years and a half though! I got small picture of a wolf by Sara Wicks. After that, one of my friends introduced an illustrator Katrina Wight who also draws dogs, she has a stall at Broadway Market School Yard to supply her lovely items every Saturday.

wolf artwork by Sara Wicks

poodle cards by Katrina Wight / lovely ornament is from my friend Hayase

別の日にはV&Aに行きました。V&A Illustration Awards 2013Club to Catwalk展Memory Palace展で少し前のファッションとイラストを見てきました、それぞれまだ開催されてるのでロンドンにいる方はぜひ。

The other day, my other friend and I went to Victoria and Albert Museum to see some exhibitions - V&A Illustration Awards 2013Club to Catwalk, Memory Palace, could see fashion history and recent illustrations. I recommend these shows are still ongoing.

Places I visited / 行った所リンク

White Chapel Gallery: http://www.whitechapelgallery.org
Broadway Market School Yard:
Victoria and Albert Museum: http://www.vam.ac.uk


Although I was madly busy to walk around and see my friends till the day before departure, such a nice time to talk with my friends! It was lovely to see my host family again! Many thanks for all. I can't come back soon but I'd love to. Hope I could visit other places in the UK too.