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one week holiday in London part2


It continues from the last one. Third day in London was my friends Mae and Alec's wedding. Mae was my teacher at the language school in London, we're very good friends since 2009! I'm really pleased to  design for their invitation cards. I quite like it having fun and fancy.

Route master took us to the next place after the ceremony.


My Japanese friend Yuriko who was same class during the language school in 2009 and still lives in London. She designed Mae's dress with gold as main colour. Beautiful, isn't it?

It was dance all through the night after the meal (it was finished at 1am actually) !

友達何人かとLONDON ART BOOK FAIRヘ、初めてのフェアと初めてのWhite Chapel Gallery。三年半もいたのに!東京のとはまた雰囲気が違う。ちょっとお固く見えたかも。Sara Wicksさんのミニ作品(狼)をゲット。その後友達に誘われてBroadway Market School Yardへ。イラストレーターのKatrina Wightさんから素敵なカードを頂きました。毎週土曜日にマーケットを出しているようで犬をメインにしたとても繊細でポップなアイテムを販売してます。犬繋がりということで友達が私に紹介してくれました◎

I looked around London other days, firstly I went to LONDON ART BOOK FAIR with my friends. It was my first visiting to White Chapel Gallery, I know I was living in London for 3 years and a half though! I got small picture of a wolf by Sara Wicks. After that, one of my friends introduced an illustrator Katrina Wight who also draws dogs, she has a stall at Broadway Market School Yard to supply her lovely items every Saturday.

wolf artwork by Sara Wicks

poodle cards by Katrina Wight / lovely ornament is from my friend Hayase

別の日にはV&Aに行きました。V&A Illustration Awards 2013Club to Catwalk展Memory Palace展で少し前のファッションとイラストを見てきました、それぞれまだ開催されてるのでロンドンにいる方はぜひ。

The other day, my other friend and I went to Victoria and Albert Museum to see some exhibitions - V&A Illustration Awards 2013Club to Catwalk, Memory Palace, could see fashion history and recent illustrations. I recommend these shows are still ongoing.

Places I visited / 行った所リンク

White Chapel Gallery: http://www.whitechapelgallery.org
Broadway Market School Yard:
Victoria and Albert Museum: http://www.vam.ac.uk


Although I was madly busy to walk around and see my friends till the day before departure, such a nice time to talk with my friends! It was lovely to see my host family again! Many thanks for all. I can't come back soon but I'd love to. Hope I could visit other places in the UK too.


one week holiday in London Part1


I'm back on Wednesday from London! I had a very lovely time with attending my friends' wedding and seeing London friends. Although I got cold in last few days, I really enjoyed to stay in London again :) I decided going to Oxford on 2nd day. The weather was fine there but London was raining for a week.

Ashmolean Museumでベーコンとムーアの展示を真っ先に見ました、オックスフォードなのに。おじさんのカタログはオックスフォードが舞台のミステリードラマ「モース警部」の散歩ガイド。そして不思議の国のアリスのモチーフやハリーポッターの撮影にも使われたChrist Churchも。

These are all catalogues I got in Oxford. I went to Ashmolean Museum to see the exhibition of Bacon and Moore first (I know it doesn't look like Oxford!). Walking guide of Inspector Morse, Christ Church (famous by Alice in Wonderland and canteen on Harry Potter)...

オックスフォード調べてる時に誰か様のブログでGrand Cafeというところが老舗で〜そんなに高くもなく〜というのを見てぜひ行ってみよう!と行ってきました。High Streetに面していて高級感あるただ住まいでも本当に値段も手頃で良かったです、おすすめ。写真を撮るのを忘れた・・・というか行ったよ☆証拠写真な感じになるのが嫌だったんですが、まぁいいや。行って軽食食べたのは本当です。

I've checked Grand Cafe from someone's blog, which is located on High Street. That blog said the cafe is very old but not so expensive... I went to have a meal there, the place looks posh but good prices for foods! I just forgot to take a photo, actually I didn't want the photo of 'I came here!'... sorry. However it true I visited!

Doug Hydeさんアートワーク。犬!
I found this lovely artworks by Doug Hyde at a gallery, bow!

Great Hall in Christ Church

In Covered Market

Places I visited / 行った所リンク

Ashmolean Museum: http://www.ashmolean.org/
Grand Cafe: http://www.thegrandcafe.co.uk
Doug Hyde: http://www.doughyde.com
Christ Church: http://www.chch.ox.ac.uk
Christ Church/ Harry Potter: http://www.chch.ox.ac.uk/visiting/harry-potter
Covered Market: http://www.oxford-coveredmarket.co.uk


その後はロンドンへ戻り、BOWOWOW advent calendarでお世話になったNatashaとTolly(犬)に初対面。ずっとスカイプはしていたけど、The Canine Gamesでも会わなかった。ナイストゥミーチューでした◎

After that, I went back to London and met Natasha and her dog Tolly, who is an organiser of BOWOWOW. I did the advent calendar for last Christmas. We had Skype in few times but never met even at The Canine Games. It was great to meet them!

Super lovely gift from her, thanks very much Natasha!

To be continued...


The book of details


今回は私の本「やっぱりたのしい」の中身を少しお見せします。また、THE TOKYO ART BOOK FAIR

Drawing Adjective group show was ended on Sunday, I appreciate to all visitors and hope to see someone again I couldn't meet. I joined Gallery talk to explain the concept of my works, I'm not good at talking but enjoy it with some advises. I'm showing the inside of my book here, and bring it to THE TOKYO ART BOOK FAIR on 21 & 21 (I applied only two days).

寺子屋マルプ「形容詞を描く 1」キャプションより

「やっぱりたのしい」 河原 奈苗


Caption of my work: My book's theme is 'Fun' that I think sometimes takes negative points. I love fun but I decide a limited time after I enjoyed too much. However if I spend to be quite for a long time, it has no inspiration or won't happen any new stage, and it would get boring too. Therefore, I'll want fun again to next something... Although Fun is positive word, I think it shows different aspects by my own vision with looking for negative. I really appreciate to Malpu Design, gallery DAZZLE had this special event.


A show is now taking

現在、グループ展に参加しています。今回は絵ではなく、与えられた形容詞を一冊の本に表現します。7月にマルプデザインさん主催「寺子屋マルプ 形容詞を描く1」のワークショップが行われました。気分転換に、とそんな気持ちで参加するも、真面目に楽しく作品作りに取りかかりました。ワークショップでは、まずフルーツバスケットをしました笑。あのフルーツバスケットです。めっちゃ楽しかった〜、こう書いていたらまたやりたくなりました。そして一人一人真っ白な束見本が与えられ、グループに分かれそれぞれ一つの形容詞を持つ。それについてマッピングをし、展示開催日までにその本を完成させる。そんな内容でした。私のグループは「たのしい」でした。8月にはマルプさんが島田製本株式会社さんに見学できる日を設けて頂き、行ってきました。生でハードカバーの本が職人さんの手によって完成されていくのを見て「そうやっていくんだ、ああやっていくんだ!」とずっと感動していました。結果、私の作品に活かされるわけではないですが、いろんな作家さんが集まり、制作することにより、まだ全部見きれてないんですが力作ばかりでした。

I was so busy but finally blogged! This week, I'm joining to a group show 'Drawing Adjective 1' curated by Malpu Design. It was actually one day workshop in July, which started playing fruits basket turnover then separated with 4 or 5 people to think about adjectives. My theme is fun. In August, Malpu Design made a day that we could visit to a book biding factory. My exhibited work doesn't like 'reading book' though, I was so impressed to see binding by hands (not by machine!). This exhibition is really fun to see lots of great works.

A part of my work, I'll show more picture from this. The show has gallery talk on Sat & Sun, I'll be on Sunday. nervous :9

会場:gallery DAZZLE(銀座線外苑前駅3出口より徒歩2分): map

参加アーティスト:いたばしともこ 内田智子 ryuku 漆原冬児 老沼果帆子 越智あやこ オビカカズミ 片山なのあ カトウミナエ 河合美穂 河原奈苗 川本芙美 桐谷望美 斎藤かこみ サイトウマスミ 佐川ヤスコ 笹本聖子 サトウコウタ 佐藤繁 清水信子 清水利江子 白鳥みちこ 菅澤真衣子 高杉千明 高野まき子 高橋裕子 田口実千代 筒井早良 とやちかこ 永田徳子 長野ともこ 野口奈緒子 坂内拓 陽菜ひよ子 福本麻子 poe(ポー) マツモトクミコ 南トトコ 宮田雄平 柳井知子 山村ヒデト
