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▶︎ NEXT EVENT・これからの予定



フリーペーパー「ばーばららら: NANAE KAWAHARA NEWSPAPER」を作りました。毎月1日発行、各50部。初回ではまずはじめましてのご挨拶と今月のイベント情報、犬関連のコーナーなども。始めたばかりだから手探りだけどこれからじゃんじゃん予算の限り充実させていきたいなーと思ってます。

I made free paper 'Barbararara: NANAE KAWAHARA NEWSPAPER' which will be published on 1st every month with 50 issues. On the first one, it has greetings, information of my event, and small column about dogs. I just started though, I'd like to enhance this as long as the budget.

早速、渋谷PARCOパート1 4階にありますONLY FREE PAPERさんにて10部置かせて頂いています。他にも置かせて頂けるお店を探していますので、何か・・・お声を・・・かけてくれると・・・喜んで舞います。
You can take one at ONLY FREE PAPER in Shibuya PARCO part1, 10 issues are already there. I'm looking for places which is possible to put this... I'll be extremely happy if you let me know!!

If you would like this, please email me your postal address and let me know if you want every month. The email subject must be 'I want Free Paper!'

nanae.kawahara [at] gmail.com

Next issue will be published on 1st June.