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Sunny Ally Pally

音楽系のイベントだねという感じで歩いてたらBo Ningenのドラムのもんちゃんさんに遭遇

Sunny Ally Pally! I walked here two days 26&27th. Also there was music event at Ally Pally, I saw many people were staying around and Mon chan who is a drummer from Bo Ningen.

土曜日はイラスト仲間のちえちゃんが南ロンドンからCrouch End〜アリパリまで遊びに来てくれました。彼女は先日日本から戻ってきたばかりで、飼っているわんこ「こうめちゃん」の裏話や私の犬の話(笑)そしてイラスト制作の話も(犬とイラストで半々だったかな)ちえちゃんありがとうね〜

ここは私が来月展示するカフェThe Haberdashery、本当はビクトリアンケーキが食べたかったけど最後の一切れを店員さんにとられちゃいました笑 次こそは。DMとポスターを見せたらMassimo(店主さん)喜んでくれた!やっほい。

On Saturday 27th, my illustrator friend Chie came to Crouch End from south London. She just came back from Japan maybe last week? she talked funny story of her dog Koume and also I spoke about my dogs'. We could talk about our illustration fields as well, thanks so much Chie!

We had cakes at The Haberdashery which I'm having my exhibition next month. Actually I wanted Victorian cake though, it was taken by the staff so I'm going to try it for the next time :) I'm very glad that Massimo (owner at The Haberdashery) likes my invitation and poster very much!