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YAOMART @ Duckie Christmas Market (Barbican Centre)


I'm attending YAOMART at Duckie Christmas Market in Barbican Centre on 29th&30th. The photo I took is the inside of the place, and you can see 'Duckie' sign over there. If you're going to stay in London this week, let's come to see us!

今週木曜と金曜にYAOMARTとしてBarbican Centreにて行われるDuckie Christmas Marketに参加します。クリスマスは終わったけれど、ネーミング・・・どうなんだろう。まぁいいや。写真にあるように会場はこんな雰囲気です。よく奥 をみるとそのマーケットの、少しセンスを崩した(笑)不思議な旗が。年末年始はロンドンに籠る!という方はぜひ遊びに来てください。

YAOMART information:

Duckie Christmas Market @ Barbican Centre
23rd29th and 30th December
6pm to 9.30pm

Artists are:
Amie Howarth (29&30th)
Chie Miyazaki
Matthew Dale  (23rd) 
Sayuri Taga
Kasumi Nakazato
Nanae Kawahara


I'm writing about my Christmas this year, I made this cake and went to stay at my friend's house. As you see in these photos, we ate lots of special food! Of course we couldn't have all at that time so it took as the leftover. My first Christmas in the UK was that I visited to a British family, and I spend quietly last year. Then the final year (probably) was at my friend's house. My Christmas time was not too bad! However I'd like to spend the next one is in Japan...!

さて今年の私のクリスマスですが、こんなケーキを作って友達のお家にお邪魔させて頂きました。写真にあるようにたくさんのごちそう が・・・!ほぼ次の日に持ち越しできました。イギリスへ来て初めのクリスマスはこちらのご家庭に参加させていただいて、去年は一人でのんびり、今年(最 後?)は友達と。うん、いい感じじゃない?!でも、もう、さすがに来年は日本がいいよー・・・

This is my doggies' history bag which I recently painted by Pebeo for fabric. If you find this in London..or somewhere, it's me Nanae Kawahara! But I want to make more so will try to ask printing company next year.


Well, I don't know the next post will be 31st or next year, but I hope I could have more activities in London as I'm going back to Japan in August. And I wish my works supplied to people feel more happiness and pleasure etc (I hardly express my feeling though, yeah this is my thought!), so I'll make more more works. I always appreciate to you all!

A happy new year 2012!

来年は夏に日本へ帰国が決まっているのでもっとロンド ンでも活動できますように。たくさんの人が私の絵を見て嬉しくなったり、楽しくなれるように(なんか初めてこんなこと書いた気がする、ちょっと恥ずかしい けどこういうこと思ってます)たくさん絵を描いて発表していこうと思います。
