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American Illustration 32 chosen

アメリカのイラストコンペティションAmerican Illustration 32に入選しました。
4月にお知らせが来たのですが、仕事やイベントで忙しくしていてご報告が遅くなりました。選ばれた作品は個展DOOOOOGS !!より二点。これらの作品は私の住んでいる地域の、実在する犬たちの個性あるキャラクター性を目指したので、それらの作品がこのように審査員の方々に選ばれたというのは本当に嬉しい限りです。11月にニューヨークでイベントがあるそうですが、ちょっと私は行けないので残念です。


Two pieces of my illustration works from DOOOOOGS !! exhibition were chosen by American Illustration 32. Despite I receive it in April, it's late to announce as I've been busy by work and events.  I'm sad I can't go to New York this year but it'll have an event there. Anyway, I'm really appreciate to the juries, in these illustration I describe actual dogs own funny characters which live in my hometown.

The archive is ongoing here:

そんなDOOOOOGS !!第二弾を11月終わりに開催します。

Such 'DOOOOOGS !!', I decided the second one for my next exhibition in the end of November. I was considering whether I should choose the theme of dogs, but I'm now sure for dogs! I've just started for preparing...


As I said on my Twitter, the main topic would be my first dog Coo-tan. Because it seemed he had his own drama... so I'll try to organise for my show which is different from the first one.