Newsでもお知らせしましたように、東急ハンズ渋谷店7階のハンズ・ギャラリー・マーケットで明日から5月18日まで一ヶ月、グッズを販売します。今回は絵が描かれたバッグ、DOOOOOGS !!展からのポストカード、ミニシール、♡くんブローチ、バッヂを販売します。
Although I told on news page, I'm going to sell my stuffs at Hands Gallery Market in Tokyu Hands Shibuya from tomorrow to 18th May: bags with my illustration, postcards from my exhibition DOOOOOGS!! , small stickers, heart brooches, and badges.
I was going to make new type one. I sometimes made toy stuffs so I was thinking to make sewing one, however it spends material costs and lots of times and also I feel something like fiber allergy. Then I gave it up this time. Finally I decided making these badges by cray. I was planing it for a long time ago but I'm not good at making 3D, I didn't know which cray I use, then then then I did!
Please have a look the real one!
NEW ZINE: いぬとおんがくとえ
ちょうど今、先週の4日から銀座モダンアートで開催されているzine展に参加しています。来月のMOUNT ZINE5やYAOMARTで参加するデザフェスにもあわせるように一つ新作のZINEを作りました。その名も「いぬとおんがくとえ」です(笑)。私の好きなものは犬と音楽(99%聴く専)なんですが、その好きなものをイラストと一緒に詰めた形になっています。中にはポスター、ポストカード、シール、おふざけインタビューというものが入ってます。ぜひ手に取って見てみてください。
I made new zine called 'dog, music and illustration'. At the moment, I'm joining to a zine event at Ginza Modern Art Gallery in Tokyo, and also other coming events are included MOUNT ZINE 5, YAOMART at Design Festa in May. Why I named that title because my most favourite things are dog and music so I expressed those with my illustration. There're poster, postcard, sticker, stupid interview sheets in the zine. Hope you can enjoy it!
I'll update information about this month and May.
There's the first challenge, it's a workshop! I'll put more detail soon :)
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