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▶︎ NEXT EVENT・これからの予定


work in progress... for my show!


I'm sorry I haven't posted for a long long time! For a month, I was feeling worried, annoyed, sometimes happy then worried again.. (anyway, I'm always fine!)


I must let you know I found a place to have my first solo exhibition in North London! It's going to be in June, more detail is coming soon. I leave few illustrations here which are for the show.

This last one is that I'm drawing. As you can see, my exhibition theme is 'DOGS'.


And DO NOT forget I'm doing YAOMART in East London about once a month. My staying in London is around three months left, so I'd really like to be excited this with many artists and customers. I want to continue this after I go back to Japan. Please have a check the website and the dates! 

そして今月号のミスター・パートナーさんにモノクロのイラストを描かせていただきました。 私は先月号のもまだチェックしていないのですが、両方合わせてぜひご覧ください。
I'll try to post my blog at all the time!
And also I drew small illustration for a Japanese magazine 'Mr. Partner' again. I haven't seen the last one though, please have a check if you can get it.