8th January is my birthday, my friends in London gave me fantastic cards and presents! Also Mae and Dave played a song for me at the party. I'm very pleased to all of my friends, Thank you very much again!
You can see a lot of original arty cards on my photos. David Bowie...Elvis Presley...their birthdays are also on 8th January, it's my pleasure. And also cards illustrate 'Nana (my dog)' and me! Lovely.
Paul Shinn drew David 'Nana' Bowie and Yuki Nishimura made 101. Their cards for Arina Orlova were same theme! It's able to see what was: http://aryaorlova.livejournal.com/171002.html
デイヴィッド・ナナ・ボウイを描いたのはPaul Shinnで101を描いたのは西村夕貴なんだけれど、面白い事にこんなこともありました。もう一人の友達Arinaの誕生日が4日にあって彼らのカードがかぶった!彼女のブログ(ロシア語)でどんな感じが見れます: